Tuesday, June 4, 2013

6 Racism Images

For all of these projects, they were all based around one word, racism. In the first one, a white boy and a black boy are grasping hands, showing that you should not discriminate against each other even if your different skin colors. I put an artistic filter on this image to make it different. For the second picture, there is one brown egg and the rest are white. This illustrates how people with colored skin weren't included in anything. I also put a filter on this and turned up the saturation to give it more color. Next, for my third project, there are white and black spoons. Although the black spoon is broken because the blacks were constantly being hurt and bullied because of their skin color. I put a film grain on this and turned up the exposure. Also, in my fourth project, the theme of racism is continued where a green fish is being stopped from joining orange fish. This is relating to the blacks not being able to mix and have the same opportunities as the whites. I turned up the saturation and also put a tone on this picture to make it stand out. For my fifth project, it shows people of different color skin that have bonded and came together. This shows how people can fight through racism. I put a neon glow effect on the picture and recolored each arm a different color. Lastly, I have a picture of Martin Luther King who was against racism and brought it to an end. I put a gradient and black and white effect on this picture and made it look antiquely. In the end, I really liked this project and enjoyed learning about the history of racism through pictures.

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